Tuesday 24th March

Hello Primary 5/6,

Here is my first contact with you since the schools closed and it feels very strange for me (I’m sure it does for you too!). I’ve spent the past couple of days at home with my mum and each day we have been enjoying a walk up the hills together. It’s safe to say life is much quieter at home and I’m missing having you all around and seeing you every day. However, I hope you are spending lots of time with your families, doing different home learning activities and enjoying doing things which we don’t always have time for in our busy school days.

I would like to say a huge well done for being so resilient over the past few weeks with all what’s been going on in the world – you have made me even more proud of you all and you should be super proud of yourselves too. I know hand washing wasn’t your favourite thing to do but you took it in your stride!

So far this year you have worked extremely hard and I am pleased with all that you have achieved as individuals and as a class.  This week, the teachers have been beginning to prepare learning for you and I am sure that you will also take this in your stride and try your best. This work will include a mixture of learning activities from written work to practical tasks to creative learning and a whole lot more!

That’s all from me for now Primary 5/6. Take care, look after yourselves and your family and keep washing your hands!