School Term Dates and Hours

School Term Dates

Session 2023-2024

Nursery Hours

Monday – Thursday:  Drop off: 8:40am – 8.50am  /  Pick up: 3.05pm -3.15pm
Friday:  Drop off: 8.40am – 8.50am  / Pick up: 12.10pm – 12.20pm

School Hours

Monday – Thursday: 8:50–10:30  10:45–12:30 1:15–3:15
Friday:  8:50-10:30  10:45 – 12:25

  • Nursery children enter and leave by the main nursery door, where they will be greeted and handed over by a member of our Nursery team.
  • Primary 1–4 children line up in the playground at the back of the school, this can be accessed via the Crockett Gardens gate.
  • Primary 5 – 7 children line up in the playground that can be accessed via the Penicuik Leisure Centre Car Park. P5-7 should enter the playground on their own.
  • Any child attending breakfast club should enter the school building via the main school door.
  • Any child who arrives late should ensure that they enter the school building via the main school door so that their attendance can be marked by office staff.

Breakfast Club
From 8.00 onwards children can attend our Breakfast Club. Our breakfast club is sponsored by Gregg’s and is free of charge to all children from Primary 1 to Primary 7. Breakfast consists of cereal, toast, fruit, yoghurts and squash. Children not attending the Breakfast Club may play in the playground from 8.45am until the start of the school day at 8.50 if they wish but there is no school adult supervision and we insist that a parent or carer is on hand to ensure that children are safe and sensible.