Hello P2
I hope you are all well and keeping busy at home. 🙂
 I wondered if you could all draw a picture and write a sentence or more about what you have been learning and doing at home so far.
I did see a few of you working out with Joe Wicks yesterday. Well done!
If you haven’t done so already, remember to ask your grown up to help you to log-in to Sumdog so that we can have fun together as well as learning.
A free listening resource you might enjoy is: www.jojognome.comwww.jojognome.com
There are some fun experiments to do at home with your grown ups on : www.rigb.org/families/experimental
Speak to you soon P2
I look forward to seeing your drawings and writing.
Mrs Neilands

Update: 25/03/20

Our P2 Pals have come to live with me while the school is closed. They have had a nice bath and are looking very shiny and clean, don’t you think? 🙂





Here they are before and after their workout with Joe Wicks this morning – I hope you’ve been working as hard as they have:

I miss you all a lot, but I’m glad I have these guys to keep me company while I prepare learning for you all!