Primary 5/6 Week 1 – Home Learning

Hello Primary 5/6,

So far this week I have been busy organising some home learning for you to do.

Firstly, I have set out an addition challenge for you to do on sumdog to reinforce what you have been learning in maths.

Secondly, I would also like you to keep a daily diary for 5 days. Each day you should answer the following questions:

1) What have you done today?
2) How are you feeling today? Try to explain why.
3) What are you enjoying about being at home and why?
4) What are you missing being able to do and why?

You should set your diary out with the long date underlined at the top of the page. Each question should get its own line and should be underlined. You should write your response to each question underneath. Your response should be written in sentences and should include as much detail as you can. You may do your diary log in your lined jotter or you may wish to be more creative and do it on plain paper. However you decide to do your diary (jotter or not) you should all feel free to decorate it, add relevant pictures and make it colourful and attractive!

Lastly, I think we could all do with a bit of cheering up so what better way to do that than to create your own rainbow? This is something which was started online – people were creating rainbows and putting them in their window for children to spot when out for fresh air. You should try to be creative when making your rainbow and may wish to do it as a family. Here are a few suggestions of how to make it – colouring or painting, building it out of construction materials, collage using waste materials. Once you have completed your rainbow add a positive message to it such as ‘we can do this’ and stick it on one of the windows so others can see it from outside. If you build or make a rainbow in a way which is not possible to display, try taking a picture of it and printing it out.

Good luck!