Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that many of you are new to Glow and most of you are new to ‘Learning from Home’, so we thought it would be a good idea to create a page filled with some of you more frequently asked questions!

Please continue to get in touch with us via the school email if your question is not answered below:

  1. How do I log in to Glow?
    You were sent an email last week with a letter attached to it – on this letter, you will find your child’s glow username and password.
  2. How do I log in to Google Classroom?

    Please follow the steps below:Step 1:
    Go to:
    Step 2:
    Type in login details in small box on the letter sent to your email address on 24th March 2020
    Step 3:
    Find the box called Google Classroom (a green square with 3 people in it)
    Step 4:
    Click on the box
    Step 5:
    Click ‘join class’

    If you are asked for a code, please contact the school office.

  3. How will my child learn while schools are closed?
    Our teachers have been working hard to create engaging and motivating learning, which they will share on Google Classrooms. Pupils will get feedback on learning they submit and will be challenged! However, there’s more to learning than this – as a parent/carer, it would be great if you could do any of the following:
    draw pictures together; go for a walk and talk about you see(just one a day!); ask your child ‘what do you think…?’ and ‘how do you think…?’ questions,;make dinner together; read together, dance together, sing together, teach your child how to hoover or do the washing or make beds! The list goes on……
  4. Where can I find my child’s logins, i.e. for Education City and Sumdog?
    Your child’s logins for online learning sites like Educaiton City, Sumdog and Times Table Rockstars were stuck on to their learning pack, which got sent home before closures. If you do you have login details, please contact the school office and we can get them sent to you ASAP.
  5. One of my children has been set so many things to do, the other has a more reasonable amount, what should I do?
    We are using the time before the Easter Holidays to trial the amount/types of learning we set for our learners. We welcome any feedback you have on this – again, please email the school office to pass this on. We will then use your feedback to shape how we move forward after the holidays.
  6. My child is completing tasks on Education City, however every time we log out it doesn’t save the work they have completed. Is it normal for this to be happening?
    No. All work completed on Education City should be saved and tracked. If this is happening it could be that your child is exiting the game/activity without fully completing it. When your child completes an activity please ensure they click the ‘finish’ button to ensure progress is saved.
  7. What is the daily expectation for work being completed?
    There is no minimum or maximum expectation for work to be completed at home. Teachers will set a number of tasks for completion by a specific time/date however if you are having trouble getting these completed, just send us an email to let us know – we understand what a difficult time this is! You know your child best and it’s important that during this uncertain time, they are calm and relaxed. Follow your child’s interests and engagement levels, and try to cover a range of curriculum areas across the week rather than attempting to fill every day. Ensure that as well as academic subjects there is time for children to be creative and active.