Getting it right for every child is a way of multi-agency working together within a network of support (above) which focuses on improving outcomes for all children by placing the child at the centre of thinking, planning and action.

Three importants elements of Getting It Right For Every Child are:

  • The ‘My World Triangle’ – this shows the three aspects of a child’s world – How I Grow and Develop, What I Need From People Who Look After Me and My Wider World – which need to be supported and developed to enable them to be healthy, happy, educated and successful.
  • The Wellbeing Wheel (or Shanari Agenda) – to give the best start in life: ready to succeed.  Aiming to create a world in Scotland where every child is a Successful Learner, Confident Individual, Responsible Citizen and an Effective Contributor.
  • The Resilience Matrix – this matrix is a useful tool for working out which supports will help children and their families.
    A child is placed on the matrix according to how challenging his/her environment is and how resilient he or she is when faced with challenging circumstances or events.