Home Learning Week 1&2

Literacy – Postcard
I love postcards! Every time a pupil goes on holiday I always ask them to send me a postcard. Using a blank sheet of paper, on one side tell me what you have been doing this week. Have you learned something new? You could even ask me a question and I will reply back to you. Remember to write in proper sentences and include capital letters and full stops. One the other side of the paper, draw a picture of what you have been doing. Colour it in so that it looks eye catching.

Literacy – Reading
Try to read as much as possible at home. Read aloud a favorite book to a member of your family. You could even reenact your favourite part of the story!  It is also nice to have a story read to you from an adult. David Walliams is posting audio versions of his stories for free online for the next 30 days. Take a look at his Twitter and follow the links.

Numeracy – Times Tables
Practice your times tables! Log into Sum Dog and play some numeracy games. I have added a Times Table Challenge where you can win lots of coins as a reward. I will continue to add different challenges throughout the week.

Get your PE kit on to join Joe Wicks on his YouTube channel. He will be leading PE lessons every day at 9am.





Visit https://www.science-sparks.com/ and see how many experiments you can do. There are lots of different experiments that are easy to do at home.

Technologies –Scratch Jr.
Have a go at some of these activities on Scratch! Scratch is a website that helps you learn to code – it’s loads of fun and when you get the hang of it, you’ll be amazed by all the amazing things you can do! I can’t wait to see some of your creations!

You don’t need to do them all but it would be good to see you really trying to challenge yourself and do as many of them as you can!

1 Drive Across the City

2 Run a Race

3 Sunset

4 Moonrise after Sunset

5 Spooky Forest

6 Dribble a Basketball

7 Dance Party

8 Meet and Greet

9 Conversation


Remember to take photos of your work and share them with me on SeeSaw or through the school email address: sacredheart_ps@midlothian.gov.uk. I look forward to reading your postcards 